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Journal Kiwi's Journal: Why people are on my foes list

I feel it is unfair to put people on my foes list without reason. After cleaning up my Foes list for New Years 2003, I now have a very specific policy for what puts a person on my foes list:

A person will be put on my foes list if they engage in a personal attack against another person, or if they place me on their foes list

To be fair to the people on my foes list, here is a list of people on my foes list whose articles I did not like; the relevent personal insult is to the right of the person's name.

Anyone who is on my foes list for making a personal insult can be taken off of the foes list by mailing me proof that they have apologized to the person who they have insulted, and that they will not insult people on Slashdot again.

All other people are on my foes list because I am on their foes list; such people simply need to take me off of their foes list and tell me that I am off of their list; once I verify they are not one of my freaks, I will take them off of my foes list.

It is not my wish to antagonize people needlessly on Slashdot. It is my wish for people to be held accountable for their actions, however.

- Sam

Today is a good day for information-gathering. Read someone else's mail file.
