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Christmas Cheer

Journal mcgrew's Journal: Season's Greedings! 8

'Tis the season we celebrate America's predominant worship rites. The month long celebration that starts with Black Friday, continues on Local Saturday, more on Cyber Sunday, and all through December. The season when children are indoctrinated into worship, with visions of toys and iPads. When adults drive like morons to get to the mall and SPEND SPEND SPEND. The season when fights break out in stores over the objects of their worship.

'Tis the season of gluttony and drunken revelry. Blessed are the profits, for their followers shall inherit the Earth. Blessed are the rich, and the shopkeepers, and the greedy. Blessed are the lawyers and those who climb to power on the backs of their fellow men, never looking back or caring.

The season is here, when we buy a pagan tree to put in our homes, with the objects of worship beneath it. The season of cursing our fellow man, the season of no peace anywhere. The season of gimme.

Celebrate what we really worship -- celebrate money. Season's greedings to all! Except the poor, of course. Fuck those lazy bastards, they should all pull themselves up by their own bootstraps like Romney and Trump and the other saints have done.

Merry kid's mess, everyone! Season's greedings from WalMart, Target, Best Buy, and every other TV advertisers!

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Season's Greedings!

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  • Your ThanksTaking holiday? :-)

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Stressful, as usual.

      • :-(

        I miss your personal, life chronicle entries. Prozac + 10 years. :-)

        I understand the purpose of your life isn't primarily to serve vicarious interests of others.

        Hope you are able to enjoy the next couple of months, without people being toxic around your space.

        • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

          I've almost writen a few, but stopped. Very nearly wrote about Dora, the lesbian who seduced me and later told me I eat pussy better than most women (said she had four orgasms, three before I even stuck it in). I didn't post it because people would think I was bragging, when in fact I'm embarrassed by it.

          Plus, there hasn't been a whole lot of drama lately. Life's been pretty good to me in the last year or so.

          • Well. If men did that sort of thing, we could swap notes. I've got a couple Dora Th' Explora' stories... Those are years ago, now. I've been settled domestically since the nineties.

            I'm glad, for your sake, that people going sideways isn't a big feature of your daily life. Even if we suffer for your diminished literary output. ;-)

  • Ah, you've barely scratched the surface of this BS crap debacle.

    I find it to be a great holiday when I can, you know, visit relatives and spend time being happy together. Screw gifts and "the usual motions of this blessed day".

    Oh, wait, there is no relaxation because the family is spending more time dressing up, cooking, visiting other family get-togethers outside of the immediate circle, and generally having a stressful day.

    Really, it's a good morning, the rest of it is medication-required true American B

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Ah, you've barely scratched the surface of this BS crap debacle.

      Indeed, you're right.

      Screw gifts and "the usual motions of this blessed day".

      That's my attitude as well, last week my dad bitched me out because he never gets a Christmas card from me. I don't send anybody Christmas cards! But I guess I'll have to sen one now...

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
