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Are Other People Seeing This Slashdot Bug Too?

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  • Sometimes yes, sometimes no. There seems to be a spot I can click to view moderations, but I haven't paid enough attention to it to figure out where/what it is.

    • I have noticed that if I use Google chrome, I can usually view moderations, while now in Firefox I can pretty well never view them. I tried looking at the same comment as either "http" or "https" in firefox and that made no difference (not that I really expected that to, but I wanted to try it).
      • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

        Crap, what OS are you on? I'm getting the bugs in FireFox on W7 too, was going to log in on the Linux box to change my password, but if the bug is only on FF I'm screwed. I'm not installing Google's spying program.

        • Crap, what OS are you on? I'm getting the bugs in FireFox on W7 too

          I'm running Kubuntu 12.10.

          was going to log in on the Linux box to change my password

          I just clicked through to the password screen in firefox without a problem, so the bug might not impede your ability to change your password in Linux FF. FWIW I can tell you that every time I have attempted to do that in konqueror it crashes the browser completely.

          • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

            Thanks, the Linux box is kubuntu 10 so maybe it will work. I wonder where this latest rash of slashbugs came from?

            • I wonder where this latest rash of slashbugs came from?

              That is a good question. I'll presume it is not related to the return of slashdot's world-class windbag [], who as far as I know is still not employed here. Some people might even suggest checking slashcode [], but of course that hasn't been updated in over three years - even though this site sadly has. It seems like the new owners of slashdot may have actually found a way to make this site worse - which we generally thought impossible.

  • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

    Is anybody else getting the bug that makes "account" not work? I'm going to have to log into the Linux box to change my sig or password.

  • Intermittent. Been looking for a pattern but can detect none thus far. FF on Linux/Android.

    Can't seem to bypass the Mobile View thing, either, when using my tablet. I always have to use the FF "Request Desktop Site" thingo, which is bloody annoying as the only difference between the old and new mobile versions is that they suck in slightly different ways, and one of the reasons I bought the fucking tablet in the first place was to have a portable with a big enough screen that I could surf at normal res blah

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