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Journal Horny Smurf's Journal:

Recently, someone commented that there should be a sex section for slashdot.

I concur. Let's examine the facts:

  • Most slashdot readers (98%+)are male, and many of them high school or college students with a perpetual hard-on
  • Most slashdot readers like getting laid, or would like to get laid
  • an IDE for aome language I've never heard of or a blow job? I know which one I prefer.

To that effect, I believe slashdot should have an entire section devoted to sex.

Now, I understand that most (if not all!) slashdot editors are sexually inexperienced. No problem! I'd be happy to edit!

Anywho, here's the firxt unoffficial sex.slashdot poll:

Your First Blowjob...

  • She could suck-start a harley!
  • He could suck a golfball through a garden hose!
  • I'll tell you when it happens
  • I did not have sex with that woman!
  • Cowboy Kneeled!
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