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Journal stefanlasiewski's Journal: Bombing in Casablanca... 6

There's been another bombing, this time in Casablanca. Too soon to know the details, but it seems as if the bombing followed a familar pattern: Simultaneous bombings in a city where Westerners and Muslims mix.

Here's my theory on the reasoning for the place of these bombings.

The coordinated bombings are much more scary then a single or even 4 uncoordinated bombings: it shows that the terrorists are organized and capable. Everyone probably agrees on this.

Moroco is a popular tourist destination westerners probably the most popular of any Muslim country, especially for Spainards. Moroco had the reputation of being the safest country for Western tourists in Africa, for example. Bali (where the Terrorists struck a nightclub last year), had the reputation of being a safe haven for western tourists as well.

The purpose behind these bombings, and the ones in Saudia Arabia and Indonesia, are to destroy the intercultural connections formed through tourism. Not just to "drive the westerners away" as a punishment, but to divide the two worlds apart by destroying the tourism industry, which will ruin the local economy (Since terrorists usually care about religion and anti-materialism over money), and encouraging both Muslim and Western cultures to turn away from each other.

If Muslims and Westerners are separated, our Xenophobia will grow on it's own. The bigotry and fear-of-the-other can do work for the terrorists, and it will be even harder for our two sides to find common ground and maintain peace.

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Bombing in Casablanca...

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  • My suspicion is that the bombings have shifted back "over there" because that is as close as they can get.

    Also, I do not believe these guys are any more organized than the old "Bomber Left"/SDS of the 60's and 70's, or the Red/Black Alliance a century before them.

    The members are "tied together" with a basic philosophy that includes an intense hatred of the West and a relegious component. For some reason, this combination is what rises up to confront openness and prosperity throughout the industrial age (
  • 1.) read ender's game...and i'm sure you have...but anyone who had read the book will see some interesting trends with the current world.

    2.) Most people fail to understand that religion is a poor excuse...let me explian

    Islam, Christianity, and Judism (pardon any spelling mistakes) are essentially the same. Prodistants, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews tend to ignore this fact out of convinence. It is much easier to hate someone that to accept them. Humanity has always been this way.

    How are they the sam
  • So, what do we do?

    Your points, Stephan, are all reasonable. I'd suggest that most all reasoble folks on both sides of every line would agree with you.

    Have you read anything from anyone that knows what to do about it? I haven't.

"I don't believe in sweeping social change being manifested by one person, unless he has an atomic weapon." -- Howard Chaykin
