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Journal Mr.Intel's Journal: The Matrix Reloaded (no spoilers) 2

I usually have a strict policy of not seeing rated 'R' movies but made somewhat of an exception for this movie. I found the original Matrix to be philosophically stimulating with the added bonus of technically impressive Kung Fu and innovative special effects. Judging on the trailers and previews, it seemed like this one was headed in the same direction. My hopes were not realized.

In the first movie, I tried to bend my mind around the concept of "there is no spoon". In Reloaded, I cringe at lines like "there is no lipstick". Why sex up the Matrix? Certainly not to attract more geeks to see the ultra dorks Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss get it on. And what was with the dance/orgy thing in Zion? The Wachowskis should have stuck with the elements that made the Matrix a sensation: fighting, philosophy and special effects. They created a world that isn't real, with a hero that is unbeatable. Why spoil it with unsexy love scenes and atrocious innuendos?

Keanu was as wooden as ever and I would not have it any other way. He is a hero and heros have often killed their characters by talking too much. Overall, I would give it a 7.5 on a scale of 1-10. Kill the time from the end of Morpheus' speech to the moment Neo wakes up to take a walk and you would have a much better movie, IMHO.

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The Matrix Reloaded (no spoilers)

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  • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
    I'm in agreeement on the scenes. Generally, they show those when they know the story won't hold its own.

    I also enjoyed Neo's wooden appearence. Except that he didn't yet accept everything. If he saw things that clearly, he should have been able to do a lot more. I was suprised that he only used "the force" once, when flying the sword to him. Also, that he has to hold out his hand to stop bullets. (On a side note, it would have been funny to see him act like George Reeves' superman, and stand there and let
  • Why sex up the Matrix?

    The dance / love scene serves a vital role in The Matrix--as vital as the scenes of Mr. Anderson's life in the first one. They establish the normalization of the character's reality--they have Zion, and Zion is worth fighting for, as expressed in these scenes.

    And, FWIW, Neo isn't unbeatable, even in the Matrix. He may not be able to be killed, but he certainly can be "defeated." When the ghost-twins shut the door on him, they defeat him. If the Machivellian (sic) keeps the Keyma

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