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Journal DrWhizBang's Journal: Karma Chameleon

My Karma is excellent! (not that there's anything wrong with that...)

Why do I care? I don't really. It's just funny that I noticed my Karma was "Bad" a few weeks ago, and made a resolution to change it. And here I am. Is there something beyond "Excellent"? "Supreme", perhaps? Maybe I'll log in sometime and discover that my Karma is "L337".

The crazy thing it, Karma bad, Karma good, I'm still the same old Joe. I was still making the same assinine comments about the same assinine things, I just didn't bother posting them to Slashdot, and hurled them face-to-face at Jared instead. But a few +5 funnys later, and here I am. King of the world!

Some good has come of it, don't get me wrong. I posted a serious comment, and had a nice exchange with someone struggling with a problem that I have been through. I posted a lame comment, and got razzed by a good slashdot poster. In fact, I marked him as a friend, and all of a sudden I see "the green pill" popping up all over the place on intelligent comments (thank you MCHampster!).

So I am undecided on the whole Slashdot/Karma thing. I guess I will need to post more to come to a conclusion

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Karma Chameleon

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
