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Journal W2k's Journal: Broken Slashdot moderation system?

It's kind of funny, strange and scary at the same time - these last few months, it feels like I've got five mod points waiting for me when I log on to Slashdot every couple days. I suppose I must be a really good moderator (I have never received an unfair metamod, how's that?) or the system is broken in some way.

It's especially strange since I am one who does NOT agree to many of the views that seem to dominate among the more vocal members of the Slashdot crowd - such as the notion that Microsoft is "evil" and that Windows is a pile of shit. I find Windows (specifically, XP/2003) to be a very capable operating system, which I consider Linux to be unsuccessfully playing catch-up with - more about this in some other journal entry, perhaps. Anyway, since my moderations reflect this, it's a wonder that they're still letting me mod. I suppose that while Slashdot's editors aren't very fair or unbiased, the Slashcode is. Deep down, we all know what's right and wrong, regardless of whether we consist of flesh or code.
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Broken Slashdot moderation system?

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