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Journal gnuadam's Journal: It takes effort.

Silence. Well, not really, because Radiohead is wishing for
a perfect body and soul in my ear right now.

But that's to say there is no distraction. The silence of
a break, of no care for a job well done. The boss has gone,
you see. I'm left here, in my office, with not a soul who
might bother or annoy.

I can really be quite sour when someone comes
asking for help on their project. RTFM works, earphones
removed in disgust with an audible sigh.

What a dick I've become. What a dick.

There was once a time when I didn't covet my red-stapler.
There was a time when I would even stay late - reading
and coding, being useful. I wrote the tools most of these
wretches now bug me about.

They can read code. They can read a manual.

The truth is, I can't even remember how to use all the
fucking things I've written here. My interest was in writing
them, not using them.

Now, I'm no longer interested at all.

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It takes effort.

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