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Journal spiritgreywolf's Journal: Intro to /.

After all of the normal "newsy" sites, I stumble across slashdot. Takes a little getting used to, yes, however once you do - you notice that there are an awful lot of intelligent people out there and many of them do speak up intelligently. The ones that don't apparently get modded into obscurity.

Whaddya know, there's even an "Anonymous Coward" posting option. Too bad I won't use it.
"If ya ain't got the balls to stand up and own up to your verbiage, keep your pie-hole shut."

....well... except when ragging on big brother, corporations, IRS, retarded police, (not police that police the retarded, just police in general), etc., and anyone else that could make your life difficult.

... Oh who the f**k am I kidding. Serve Politically Incorrect Smackdown whenever and wherever appropriate. It's liberating *and* informative! :-P

Wrod Pu.
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Intro to /.

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Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
