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Journal peripatetic_bum's Journal: MOD POINTS

I cant rememer where i read it but someone had written that mods points should only be positive and not negative. As I understand the whole point of mods points to be is to highlight comments. Unfortunately what I am seeing are people who mod things down because they disagree with them. Instead of writing a reply, they mod down the opinion they dont like. Instead if we only could mod things up then the trolls would even get the meagar attention of being modded down and also and more importantly, different view points (esp minority view points) would be modded up. ANd esp unpopular opinions wouldnt suffer the dummies who cant understand that just because you dont agree with someone doesnt mean that they are idiots as i suspect some slashdot readers think

Update: I've thought about it again, and I'll just add to the above. It really doesn occur to me that part of the problem with moderation is that when you are a moderator and you find a really intersting argument that makes you seethe, you only recourse is lose your modding priveliges if you really want to reply and no one wants to do that, so what happnes is that someone mods you down. Even posts that are offtopic arent offtopic if someone else thinks they are interesting.

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