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Journal ansak's Journal: What would I want to say, anyway?

Let me just quote a song that's touched me once again, as it always does, with its deep passion and bivalence. This from Bruce Cockburn, on Charity of Night:

Live On My Mind (6:46)

See you standing in the door against the dark
Fireflies around you like a crown of sparks
You blow me a kiss that blurs my vision
Blurs the human condition

You're the ocean ringing in my brain
You are my island ripe with cane
Catch the scent of strange flowers when you pass
Fluid motion like the wind in grass

It's your eyes I want to see
Looking into mine
Got you live on my mind
All the time

Light me like incense in the night
Light me like a candle burning bright
Light me like a searchlight in the sky
Time means nothing when I look in your eyes

It's your eyes I want to see
Looking into mine
Got you live on my mind
All the time

MAUI ?/1/93

Ten years on. Still relevant. "Pay attention to the poet, you need him and you know it..."

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
