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Journal Slartibartfast's Journal: Roblimo: good, bad, or indifferent?

So, here I bless you with my third journal entry; puts me at an average of one every three years. Alert the media.

Anyway -- what does Roblimo actually do for this site? I'm sure he'd contend it's something -- but, really? Does anyone actually care about the videos he seems so determined to foist off on we Slashdotters? How about his interviews? I mean, for one, they could almost be scripted in Ruby -- "highest rated comments, one question/comment". How hard is that? I see no reason it needs his (eh-hem) steady editorial hand to guide the ship through those particular shoals. Then there's his tone, which seems, at least to me, to go somewhere between ESR and simply null set.

Contrast this with, say, Timothy, who I find relatively benign and doing a solid job, or Rob M., whose presence and guidance built /. into what it is, and who, at the site's peak, permeated every facet -- and in a good way. Indeed, I fondly remember, and miss, the "quickies;" Rob and Hemos doing their thing; CowboyNeal doing his.

I can't, for the life of me, think of one item that Roblimo has contributed which I found truly interesting, compelling, or novel. I can't think of any way he's truly affected the site for good.

I'm sorry, Rob -- maybe you're a nice guy under it all -- but please, just go away.

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Roblimo: good, bad, or indifferent?

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