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Journal Yosemite Sue's Journal: How much do you identify with your job/career/vocation? 3

As I approach (yet another) change in job and career, I find myself musing about the importance people attach to work in perception of our own identity. (FYI: I'm leaving the world of corporate research to return to the ivory tower, this time as the person standing behind the lecturn!)

One of my colleagues in the company also made some comments the other day that I thought were interesting. He was telling me about some issues and frustrations he was having at work. I sympathized, but remarked that he seemed remarkably relaxed about it all. He responded that if this had happened a few years ago, he probably would have been upset and/or stressed. The difference now? He no longer identifies so much with his job.

Thinking about this, I also recall the few months many years ago when I was unemployed. I hated being unemployed for a lot of reasons, but there was definitely one that outweighed the others. I didn't feel I had an identity since I wasn't working (or going to school). I wasn't doing anything in the eyes of society, and this was something that I found difficult to live with. (I began to just dread the instant when I was introduced to someone, and faced the inevitable question: "So, what do you do?")

Maybe it's healthier to be confident in one's identity regardless of employment status, but I also think that it is natural given that we spend so much time and energy investing in our work(or study, if one is/has been a student). To some extent, we choose our vocation based on our own personal values and interests, too, so our identity also affects what work we do.

So ... how much do you identify with your vocation?

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How much do you identify with your job/career/vocation?

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  • I identify more with my vacation! (About to go off to the beach in Newport, Rhode Island.)
  • I take my job seriously, but you wouldn't know it from my attitude. Stuff like showing up to work in a black suit with tie and sunglasses when MIIB came out, wearing a Scotty outfit on Halloween, playing Easter Bunny on Easter [hid plastic eggs with candy around everyone's desks] I'm the company joker I guess, but it helps me keep a very calm and happy workplace demeanor. As far as telling people what you do... on sabbatical always worked for me when I was out of work :D

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
