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United States

Journal twisty's Journal: Bush vs. Gay Marriage

Another speech from George W. Bush, another case of him trying to recreate the Universe in his own distorted image.

Usually I expect his speech to talk of how more government spending needs to be directed to his investments in Oil or Pharmecuticals. You know, Research dollars for hydrogen fuels (where Universities have succeeded, the Oil infrastructure needs more push), AIDS research, demands for a Senate bill that will make government pay more medicare prescription drugs. But this time he adds an unexpected gem in the topic of gay marriage.

Don't get me wrong, I've been married to my wife six years. We've been totally faithful to each other and loving the partnership without stop. But Bush's jab in replying "we're all sinners" brings a unamerican spin to the issue.

If there is separation of Church and State, how can he make such an unrepresentative statement? How many Americans are unafflicted by Sin, this 'barrier between God and Man?' Atheists obviously find no God to contend with. A good Buddhist would see no barrier, as the ego-identity illusion dissolves, leaving only oneness. There are even gay Christians who would contend that scripture doesn't factually prohibit same sex relationships.

If Bush is allowed to turn marriage into a religious issue, where does it stop? Carol and I were married by a Justice of the Peace... Would we start obligating non-Christians to costlier Church weddings? Ban atheists from wedding?

Bush makes for an unfit president over our diverse Land of the Free. While he's busy drilling the US to benefit his personal economy, he has yet to defend America's rights. By subverting the courts, he just makes it easier for corporate and goverment criminals to further violate us.

That does not compute.
