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Journal blue trane's Journal: Camping 2

On the road, at a public library using the wifi and charging the laptop. Spent last night in the Hood Canal state forest. Warm, clear night. Packed up the new pack and hiked into the campsite, just a few hundred feet from the road. Practicing packing this pack, which I got on clearance. It has a shoulder strap adjustment so I'm trying to raise it as far as I can above my hips, so I'm carrying the weight on the shoulders and the hip strap goes across my stomach. It sort of works. I'll have to try it on a longer hike.

Saw a salamander. According to one interpretive sign I saw at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, there is a very large population of salamanders in forests, but they are rarely seen. Saw a Douglas squirrel, brown and small. Saw various birds: robin, junco, some ravens.

Trying to decide if I want to go on up around the Olympic Peninsula or go down to a campsite I've been to before. I'm thinking I'll go up and around on 101, then come down south and head towards Harp's Shelter on the Skokomish tomorrow night when it's supposed to rain.

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  • Man, that sounds so great.

    I love travel writing. Even when it's just simple description, it's like poetry.

    there is a very large population of salamanders in forests, but they are rarely seen. Saw a Douglas squirrel, brown and small. Saw various birds: robin, junco, some ravens.

    See? Pure poetry.

    I'm leaving Tuesday for Door County and the Upper Peninsula. Your post has whetted my appetite for unseen vistas.

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. -- Mike Adams
