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Journal Surak's Journal: Weekly Recap(tm): Little bit o' Sol (and everyone else, too) 17

Weekly Recap(tm): Because enquiring geeks wanna know!

SolemnDragon has a number of things she'd like to get off her chest. Including no less than 4 kitchen fires. She seem to always be setting stuff on fire, because i'm sure we covered this last week. Oh well. As Jim Morrison once said, "Baby, you can light my fire."

Em Emalb was recently hit in the head with a brick by SolemnDragon, after posting dirty things in magnets on Bethanie's refrigerator. Wondering why Bethanie had Sol hit him in the head, Em wants to know if you do this, too. Just don't answer A, though, because if you do there's no telling who might hit you in the head with a brick.

Speaking of bethanie, sometime prior to her romps with Surak and many others on Slashdot ("No, not HBI -- that's Tuesday night. gmhowell is Monday, Surak is Wednesday & Friday, Dave is Thursday, and Saturday is Take All Comers night [literally!!!]. Get it straight!"), she apparently had romps with "other women". Sources close to Weekly Recap(tm) have suggested that at least one of the other women involved may have been either Some Woman or LadyGuardian but details are still sketchy at this time. (Next week: Bethanie kills Surak!). Meanwhile, Bethanie was apparently being mounted while she blows. Or something like that. DubiousDave was part of this caper, as bethanie claimed to be having fun with him while he was gagged. Weekly Recap(tm) has no idea who the other person involved was, and Surak has denied being involved in anyway. For once.

Abm0raz is hvanig a ltitle truolbe seplilng ltaely. But taht's oaky, bceuase apapretnly yuo wno't hvae any toruble raednig it. Teh smae srtoy wsa psoted on teh mian pgae. (ed. note: I always thought it was just me because I would frequently not notice such mispellings unless I was looking for them (i.e., proofreading, something I don't do with WR(tm) ;), but apparently this is how the brain actually works.)

Some Woman knows that you lied on your driver's license about your weight and height, Mr. Green Eyes. (We'll find out just who that is after the /. photo contest, I'm sure.) She also knows the the thermal conductivity of apple sauce. Just think about what she might "know" tomorrow.

gmhowell wants you to get Surak off his ass. Surak is just glad that gmhowell is not like bethanie.

Hey, CmdrTaco, Disclaimer: this Weekly Recap(tm) is for you, do not forward and a host of other legal obligations. Some people have disclaimers added to their work e-mail on the bottom automagically these days, jackass. Try learning something about the way Outlook and Lotus Notes are used in a corporate setting IRL.

zptdooda was thrown in jail recently for breaking the laws of physics. I cannae change the laws of physics, Jim! Surak also violated the laws of Weekly Recap(tm) by posting this. Please repost your JE, z, with comments enabled this time!

sebi just celebrated his 27th birthday. And I'm telling you to go be his friend now, in case you hadn't noticed Xerithane's plug.

On a serious note, go read Jack William Bell's 9/11 essay. No matter what your politics, you'll enjoy it. I guarantee it.

Somebody tell FortKnox that it's not National Talk Like a Pirate Day yet. Maybe he'll figure out why the RIAA is after him. Don't forget the FortKnox /. pr0n-o-matic, aka the FortKnox Memorial Slashdot Photo Contest. You still have this week to send in your pics.

LadyGuardian was looking for inspiration after a very long day, so she was found getting all steamy. Details are sketchy, but WR is sure this involves Bethanie. (Next week: Bethanie kills Surak. Twice!)

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Weekly Recap(tm): Little bit o' Sol (and everyone else, too)

Comments Filter:
  • Somebody happened to remember the time i set the popcorn on fire. And somebody else happened to remember the time that.... oh, look, i'm not a pyro, ok? I just, well, oke. I'm a pyro. But not just a pyro, and not just any pyro! And i don't set things on fire anywhere but the kitchen, and no deliberate fire has ever gotten out of hand. Just the accidents. and i've yet to see the pagan that doesn't like fire... *eyes you suspiciously...*

    i got to hit Em because there's no reason bethanie should have ALL the

    • Somebody happened to remember the time i set the popcorn on fire.

      How in the FSoF did you manage to set *popcorn* on fire? This I gotta see!

      and i've yet to see the pagan that doesn't like fire... *eyes you suspiciously...*

      Who said anything about me not liking fire? I just report the news and leave the editorial to you guys. ;)

      *sigh* can't a girl have any fun??

      Oh, I'm counting on it. ;)
    • Next week! Surak gets hit with a brick!

      Can it be a gold brick wrapped with a lemon wedge? If so, put me on the list.

  • Somebody tell FortKnox that it's not National Talk Like a Pirate Day yet.

    My first line to that link: September 19th is approaching (Friday), which is Talk like a pirate day. :-P

    Maybe he'll figure out why the RIAA is after him.

    Lost me here?

    Don't forget the FortKnox /. pr0n-o-matic, aka the FortKnox Memorial Slashdot Photo Contest. You still have this week to send in your pics.

    You laugh, but I -have- received one nude pic (female, with the 'bits' covered, and, no, you don't want to see it, nor
    • And, bethanie, was it just college experimentation, or a ploy to get a buncha nerds foaming at the mouth with you? ;-)

      Is there a difference? ;-)

    • Maybe he'll figure out why the RIAA is after him.
      Lost me here?

      That's the other kind of pirate.

      So can we talk like a pirate as in, "I'll trade you Metallica song for a Dr. Dre!"?

      Oh and combining the two types of pirates, what band is also known as the Spanish Pirates?

      Do you know?

      Have you heard this one?


      CCR (si, si, arrr....) ;-)
      /me ducks as Sol's brick flys by. :-)

  • Your plug has revived the stream of people befriending me. First Xerithane, now you. According to the last count I have now gained 27 fans since last Thursday. I feel totally humbled.

  • So he's wondering what sentient beings think about Big Bangs and Black Holes, does he?

    Hmmm.... sounds strangely familiar....

    • huh?

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      It's been 11 seconds since you hit 'reply'!

      Chances are, you're behind a firewall or proxy, or clicked the Back button to accidentally reuse a form. Please try again. If the problem persists, and all other options have been tried, contact the site administrator.
  • I think you're just trying to double up on the last wishes of a condemned man!

    Tell you what -- I'll let you choose your method of execution. How's that for fair?

    And I *know* you know what I'm thinking!
    • I think you're just trying to double up on the last wishes of a condemned man!

      Tell you what -- I'll let you choose your method of execution. How's that for fair?

      And I *know* you know what I'm thinking!

      Yep. Suffocation. Do I get to pick how you suffocate me? :-P
      • Hrm... I wasn't actually thinking suffocation. I was thinking more along the lines of exhaustion or dehydration. But I imagine the means could be fairly similar...

        Suffocation would be *no* problem at all. Believe me -- the Mardi Gras stories are *all* true! ;-)


Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
