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Look me in the eye, and say...

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  • Thanks, man: it's nice to know that, when Chomsky departs this plane, there will still be someone pumping out the drivel.
    Sure, whinge on about how the Red Wedding episode is "fake", and your thoughts are "real". Ho-hum. This author (while a great video editor--credit where due) was a triumph of style over substance. Nowhere did he do more than George R.R. Martin to explain what life means.
    Thus, as entertainers go, I find Martin more honest.
    But, then again, when I look for answers, only Christ matters.
    • That's a good boy, keep those eyes shut.

      ...only Christ matters.

      Is that how it works? Is that what you're taught to say when you pull the trigger? Is that how convince yourself that a crime is not a crime?

      • It's actually what I feel, think, and grasp spiritually. I pray you awake.
        • Like I said, it's how you find comfort for your sins. You should definitely save your prayers for yourself. You'll need them. Try applying your grasp of 'spirituality' to your physical acts and their consequences. My acts do not conflict with my thoughts. I actually work to diminish my support of the empire.

          • Sin happens. When it does, one pursues repentance: forgiveness for the act, recognition of root cause, minimization of the likelihood/magnitude of repetition.
            Anyone perpetuating a "Jesus, the blank check" line of hooey has not understood what's under discussion, and is going to get wrecked after their heart beats its last.
            • When it does, one pursues repentance: forgiveness for the act, recognition of root cause, minimization of the likelihood/magnitude of repetition.

              Yes, one does. You don't. You serve as a defender of privilege, under false pretenses.

              • Accusations without backup are velocity without mass: forceless.
                • I am surrounded by 'backup'. And whether you see it or not, you are too. Closing your eyes will not make it disappear. It takes positive action, at the very least an effort. Your entire lament throughout all these discussions has always been based on the loss of privilege. The 'demographic threat'. And all you do is to try and disguise it as something else. You are reciting, not thinking.

                  • Your entire lament throughout all these discussions has always been based on the loss of privilege.

                    You're gonna need a bigger fib.

                    • No fibbing from me. Your 'racist industrial complex' (or whatever you call it) rant was just the latest confirmation. There are many more. You see equality as an assault. You simply refuse to see the water you swim in, and completely ignore, deny the consequences. You are classically symptomatic in your willful blindness. And, just as plausibly, to you, every day is Tuesday.

                    • You see equality as an assault.

                      No, I see nothing of the kind. I see Affirmative Action hiring a bunch of deadbeats to maintain and perpetuate the problem they piously claim to solve.
                      I just treat everybody equally. What's. So. Flipping. Complicated. About. That?
                      You're back to broad spectrum finger-pointing again. *yawn*. I thought we'd gotten past that? Was the latest CPUSA conference call a little rough?

                    • No, I see nothing of the kind.

                      Of course! You can't. You won't.

                    • What would be my motive? We all have the same 23 chromosome pairs, do we not?
                      Even a hyper-materialist, anti-intellectual nitwit has to concede the bare biochemical fact.
                      Holding before yourself this ultimate, irrefutable truth, discrimination boils down to farce.
                      But go ahead; argue some diabolical farce somewhere up the protocol stack. It really makes you look cool.
                      (No, it doesn't.)
                    • Yeah, tell me about it... after you shed your cultural/religious bigotry against gay people.. You are trapped (by your own free will in fact) even thought you don't want to see it. You choose to be politically correct amongst your own group, too afraid to rock the boat and face rejection.

                    • your cultural/religious bigotry against gay people

                      You'll have to talk to the gay people in my family, and with whom I work, to understand that I'm not against them, as humans.
                      You'll also have to apply some kind of traditional (pre-Commie) liberal notion of holding more than one thought in your head simultaneously to grasp that I am in favor of that which is good, positive, without blemish, and fruitful.
                      It's the kind of stance that affirms 2+2=4, and has loving patience with those who, prior to reaching full, mature human bloom, just have trouble, you kno

                    • You'll have to talk to the gay people in my family, and with whom I work, to understand that I'm not against them, as humans.

                      Enough to push the government to recognize a marriage contract?

                      Some of my best friends are gay, too...

                    • Enough to push the government to recognize a marriage contract?

                      Look: all you have to do is begin with Ultimate Truth, and develop a theory by which this makes sense, and I'll cheerfully sign on.
                      You keep wanting me to be unreasonable, but that's just not how I roll.

                    • Ah.. That settles it. Equality is definitely off the table then. Thanks for confirming the bigotry. As harsh as that seems to you, that's what we have. Ask the gay people in your family, and with whom you work (since that makes you an authority on the matter) if I'm wrong.

                      And since you liked to use the old saying,

                      First, they came after the homos...

                      You know, they got a few of your evangelist buddies over there in Africa. You ought to take a look at the 'good works []' they've done.. Somewhat ironically you migh

                    • Making your culture wars [] into world wars, it appears

                    • Ah.. That settles it. Equality is definitely off the table then.

                      You're the one who removed it.

"Plastic gun. Ingenious. More coffee, please." -- The Phantom comics
