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Journal Rick the Red's Journal: WTF is up with the "Lameness Filter"? 1

Geeze, what the fuck is up with the /. "lameness filter"? It's pretty damn lame itself, now. I just posted a quick one-liner. It didn't take long to write, and when I hit "submit" guess what?

Slow down, cowboy!

Slashdot requires you to wait 20 seconds between hitting 'reply' and submitting a comment.

It's been 19 seconds since you hit 'reply'!

OK, one second too fast. Big deal. Hit the "back" button and try again, right? WRONG! The text of my comment is GONE! Well, it was just a one-liner, so I re-type it and hit "submit".?

Slow down, cowboy!

Slashdot requires you to wait 20 seconds between hitting 'reply' and submitting a comment.

It's been 12 seconds since you hit 'reply'!

Sheesh! So now they wipe out what you've typed and re-set the timer? THIS IS LAME!

Fucking /. Makes you think they don't want anyone posting here. "This would be much more fun if all these lamers would go away" -- well, guess what, Taco? If you want a Blog, get one. If you want participation -- a community -- then you'll just have to put up with people snapping off a quick one-liner every once in a while, or you'll piss off all the "excellent" karma contributors and be left with the AC scum.

Or maybe that's what he wants.

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WTF is up with the "Lameness Filter"?

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  • I should add that the total lack of any feedback mechanism here really pisses me off.

    When complaints about /. itself are moderated "offtopic", I always meta-mod that as unfair, because there's no "Slashdot sucks" forum where such a comment would be fair. Lacking a proper forum, all "Slashdot sucks" comments are fair in any context.

    Now watch this get modded "offtopic" :-)

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
