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Journal moncyb's Journal: Gamecube or GameBoy? 2

As some of you may know, I've been thinking of buying a GameCube. However I may be moving/traveling a lot in the coming months.

The GameBoy advance seems to have some fun games. It even has Super Monkey Ball. Are they just as fun and playable?

I've noticed the GameCube appears to come in some sort of carrying case. Is is good for traveling? Would I have too much trouble hooking it up to hotel &etc TVs? What about cheap portable TVs? Maybe I could just bring a TV along in the car. Don't have a car yet, but looking into getting one--there's a nice trashy Ford Escort Wagon with my name on it. ;-)

Ideas? Suggestions? Flames? Should I just watch the paint dry instead? Or should I just spend my money on hugs from prostitutes? I know I would increase my sanity if I had more hugs. :-)

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Gamecube or GameBoy?

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  • I don't know... One of my friends would say: "buy them both". I personally am not a big Nintendo fan, so for the moment I'll stay happy with my Playstation2. Just try to evaluate of you'll be more on the road or more in front of your TV. Once you know the answer to that question, you know what to buy.

    Or should I just spend my money on hugs from prostitutes? I know I would increase my sanity if I had more hugs.

    That's what I would do... Except that I actually don't have the guts to go to the prostit

    • One of my friends would say: "buy them both".

      That's probably what I'll end up doing, even though I probably shouldn't be spending money on either. ;-)

The faster I go, the behinder I get. -- Lewis Carroll
