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First Person Shooters (Games)

Journal damn_registrars's Journal: Another Bad Gun Owner 7

An 8 year old boy in Louisiana found a loaded and unlocked .38 and killed his own grandmother. Apparently he was taking a break from some wholesome and age-appropriate activities while she was watching him, too:

the boy was playing the video came Grand Theft Auto IV on another television set behind her just minutes before the incident

They also mention

Under state law in Louisiana, where the shooting occurred, the child cannot be charged.

Which is pretty reasonable in this case as the kid likely didn't have a clue what he was doing. They specifically said

It was determined that he did the shooting and it was an accident. He thought it was a toy gun, a play gun

Which certainly makes sense for a kid who plays GTA IV.

I'll bet $10 to anyone that nobody faces any kind of charges for this (child endangerment, anyone?). Whether the gun was grandma's or belonged to someone else hasn't been stated.

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Another Bad Gun Owner

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  • This little boy will have to live with for the rest of his life with the knowledge that he killed his Granny, and you speak of charges?

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Smitty. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Pudge.

    I say to each and every one of you who keeps spinning all of these circular arguments that all revolve around "BUT MY GUNS!!"

    The gun culture is a culture of fear. The gun culture is a culture of death.

    I'm sorry, maybe I didn't say that loudly enough for you to hear. Let me sa

    • And I'll tell you, Z, that your fetishing of an object like this is as creepy as the death of the grandmother is tragic. Get help.

      stop defending your imaginary right to an imaginary perfect safety

      Interestingly, I had been about to level this charge at you. You seem to be of the ilk who says things like

      As though we are always JUST ONE MOAR LAW away from Utopia.

      • And I'll tell you, Z, that your fetishing of an object like this is as creepy as the death of the grandmother is tragic. Get help.

        You have an absolutely diabolical way of turning an argument away by attacking the person making the argument, instead of addressing what he said.

        When it's done to you, there is a great deal of weeping and fist-shaking, but you are the first one to simply attack when you basically don't have a thing to say. It's twisted and diabolical, smitty. And it speaks of someone who cares

        • addressing what he said

          How in the world was I not directly addressing the attack on the individual, and the absolute right to self defense?
          Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback on the style. While I'm falling short of agreeing with it right now, it's worth some thought.

      • by unitron ( 5733 )

        I thought it was the pro-gun side that tended towards fetishizing them?

        • Maybe for some, but (as a non-gun owner) I'm mainly fetishing liberty, and really tired of those who seek to use the legal system for punishing the innocent.
          Now, maybe if we could extend the definition of marriage to encompass a polygamous relationship with one's arsenal, we could find some sweet spot in the modern absurdity that can protect the simple notion of the 2nd Amendment.
    • This little boy will have to live with for the rest of his life with the knowledge that he killed his Granny, and you speak of charges?

      I apologize if I was unclear. I don't mean that the young child should be charged. I mean that the gun owner should be charged (unless the owner was grandma, in which case she got what she deserved for being a total fuckwit with regards to responsible gun ownership).

      Anyone who is that cavalier with a loaded and unlocked weapon should be held liable for whatever damage it does as if they had their own finger on the trigger. We have incidents like this in our country at least once a month (and I woul

All the simple programs have been written.
