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Journal DeadSea's Journal: Less Moderation

It looks like there are less moderation points out there. I looked down the stories on the front page and I saw that many had zero comments that had reached my threshhold of four.

I put my threshhold back to three, where I had had it until about a year ago. I hope this is a permanent change. It would be really nice if there were far fewer comments actually moderated up to a five. Lately it seemed that whenever I got mod points, it was hard to find good stuff to mod up. Similarly, whenever I would post a good comment, there seemed like there was always a few who would waste a mod point bumping it down from a five to a four (then somebody would come along and bump it back up).

I'll see how I do with a threshhold of three for now. I also want to read cmdrtaco's journal and see what he has to say about it.

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. -- Mike Adams
