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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: President Lawnchair's Best Play Yet 3

President Barack "Lawnchair" Obama delivered in his speech this weekend likely his best play in government yet. He is facing a decision between a number of options where none are a winning play; attack Syria and anger people (not to mention killing them), don't attack and you let people die which will also anger people.

But here, he can place the blame for the outcome on congress. With nearly everyone in congress who has said anything to the media opposing action, he can follow their vote (which will likely be against action) and then say "congress said so" when the world is mad at us for not doing anything.

Well played, sir. Well played.

For the record, I think Assad is scum who shouldn't be in power. That said, I don't think we should be attacking the regime, either as that only opens up a different can of worms. The conflict in Syria doesn't really reflect American interests at this point and as terrible as it is I don't see a good reason for us to commit resources to someone else's war. I really can't imagine a scenario where attacking Syria - even if we send just a small number of cruise missiles to kill Assad and his top brass - would work out in our favor.
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President Lawnchair's Best Play Yet

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  • I fully agree that the Syria situation is a crap sandwich. I've been in sincere prayer for the President, because, irrespective of your opinion of the gentleman, it's a hard call.
    Seeking Congressional approval (*cough*doing his job*cough*) makes a lot of sense.
    What would also make a lot of sense is clearly articulating what national dog we have in this fight; what our objective is; and what are our exit criteria. We've only been lectured, and rightfully so, these years that George W. Bush was the Cowboy
    • I fully agree that the Syria situation is a crap sandwich. I've been in sincere prayer for the President, because, irrespective of your opinion of the gentleman, it's a hard call.

      This seems to be another of those times where we find that we have more in common than we sometimes recognize in discussion :)

      Seeking Congressional approval (*cough*doing his job*cough*) makes a lot of sense.

      I would support congress passing a law that forbids the white house from unilaterally investing soldiers or more than $Y worth of military hardware in a conflict without congressional approval. And frankly, I think if congress managed to write and pass such a bill, any president who didn't sign it would make themselves look like an idiot.

      What would also make a lot of sense is clearly articulating what national dog we have in this fight; what our objective is; and what are our exit criteria

      I fully endorse that kind of suggestion.

      • This is really one of the areas where the 18th century notion of a "campaign season" is quite overcome by technological events.
        The War Powers Resolution of 1973 [] attempts to model the situation. I submit that a thorough review of the last 40 years is called for, because any POTUS is incentivized to drive up Military Industrial Complex revenue by pickling off a few rounds from time to time.

        I see the main value of this move. . .

        It's brinksmanship. Congress is going to be pressured from the right and the anti-war left to deny authorization. This e

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