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Journal rho's Journal: Burr in my saddle 1

Apparently, I have a burr in my saddle.

I have no explaination. I've just been really intolerant of insipid stupidity lately, and Slashdot seems to be breeding the lame and the retarded.

Do they even teach in the schools anymore, or is it nothing more than grown-up daycare?

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Burr in my saddle

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  • Rent-to-own furniture. heh. Guys down at the plant do that, and they wonder WHY they're broke. You did miss one very important thing:
    The Lottery. One guy, out of his $250 paycheck, regularly spends $35 a week on the lottery. I tell him that it's stupid and a waste of his money, but he says "Well dude, it's the only chance I have to get rich". Simple math tells us that if he put the money away (yadda yadda yadda) . . . Perhaps these people just don't have what it takes to be anything but poor. And I don't speak of education, either, because I have the same education level as most of them. It's all about ambition(I took the trouble to learn a very easy skill that gets me 30% more pay then them) and common sense(I don't attempt to impress people by living beyond my means).

    L7y9gmKDqj9eUJwzKNQEK9JEeoFojUGDAYAP/Nd4p8+EPyMT iB eU7LX0I0CnVJNkLGtcro0n
    y7Sqt4UvdrY7Kcw+IplNcfRsrvR92TnM7bgHFTARj9WQDMyX ct ABixR0xf/7ytENydHnq8Js

Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
