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Journal ColGraff's Journal: Heisenberg-based Coolness

Sometimes - not often, but sometimes - I'm really, really glad I live in New Hampshire. Tonight there was a performance of Copenhagen in Concord. You may know the play - it's about the meeting in Sept. 1941 between Werner Heisenberg and Niels Bohr in Nazi-occupied Copanhagen. Bohr ended up working for the Manhatten Project, Heisenberg ran the German A-bomb (and later, atomic reactor) program.

The play itself is...well...interesting. Three people are sitting in a room, talking about the responsibility of scientists in wartime. That's the play, and you love it or hate it. I left at intermission - not so much because I didn't like the play, but because the guy playing Heisenberg spoke way too fast.

The cooler part, though, was what happened before the play. Joachim Heisenberg is the son of Werner Heisenberg and a prof at UNH Durham, and he had a 40-min question and answer session before the play. Highlights:
-NHPR's Laura Connoi was running the session, and referred to Werner Heisenberg as the man in charge of the German fusion program during WWII. -Something that really struck em that prof. Heisenberg said: "We don't know what was really said at that time...truth is something that cannot be reconstructed without specific evidence."

Maybe I'll add more stuff later, but it's late and I want to go to bed. Suffice to say, this guy is cool. That in and of itself is enough to make me doubt his father was really working as hard as he could to give the Nazis an A-Bomb - I don't believe a total bastard is capable of raising a cool kid. On that note, goodnight my fellow Slashdotters, and peace until the morrow.
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Heisenberg-based Coolness

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