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Journal kermidge's Journal: illiterates

I am baffled. Why the fuck can't people tell the fucking difference between

where - were
loose - lose
ect. - etc.
infer - imply
virtually - almost or almost all (and still not grasp the meaning of virtual anyway)

and dozens of others. Did all these children sleep through English classes? Don't they read things written by people who know better?

And yupper, I know about carelessness, inattention, Spoonerisms, brain-farts, typos, and the like; but to see this shit over and over again.... it just doesn't make sense to me.

And for Christ's sake, enough already with the "going forward" and similar horseshit. What, you're gonna go back? You don't know tenses? Context is a complete mystery to you? If you really truly cross-your-heart have to spell it out for your audience, then use "in [the] future". "Going forward"? Fuck you and the horse you rode in backwards on.

If anything it's worse than the "viable" this and that or "on-going" whatever or "virtual" or "cyber" shit. Talking heads and on-air air-head TV "presenters" are not your instructors in using English, nor are the vapid rabid sound bites from politicos. Most of them abuse the language; I swear some of it's deliberate so's to fuck with people's heads. Enough.

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