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Journal POds's Journal: Slashdot culture infesting the web

Let me tell you, the slashdot, cowboy neil option probably came about by evolution. That is, someone was making a joke about cowboy neil and eventually someone realised that it should just go into every poll as an ongoing joke. This is a feature of slashdot, and it is only doable because it came about through evolution. They dont use it anymore.

When some one requrests, on another sites forum, such as Amiga.org, "we want a slashdot style cowboy nil option", and then the site starts putting an option like that on every poll, not only does it seem to have no relevance or place, its damn lame.

I know i used the word, infesting within the title, this may not be an accurate description, but who cares?

Have you seen other things such as this? Is this a new "Slasdotting" or a new "Slashdot effect"? Will slashdot eventualy dictate the fasions in the western world?

What i also think is sad, is the never ending use of words or phrases that once made people lauf, but after a day or two, no one likes to hear them again. Such as "Our something overloards" or "beuwulf clusters" -- did i spell that right? :)

Again, another example of lameness that slashdot is seemlessly harbouring. It is no doubt spreading through out the web. It's like the fashion of the 80s, and mullets... It seemed good at the time, but 10 years down the track, what was i thinking. Only, in our case, its a week or two down the track.

I hope other sites, and members of slashdot stop reusing things that had a time and a place months or weeks ago, but not now. It's time to get over it and get original.

Ok, thats my rant for the year. "Peace Out" !

"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable computers?"
