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Journal aborchers's Journal: 2003 Nov 27: Senatorial letters re: EnFORCE Act of 2003

I am writing to urge your opposition to the "Enhancing Federal Obscenity Reporting and Copyright Enforcement (EnFORCE) Act of 2003". Mr. Hatch argues that "market realities" dictate a need for antitrust exemptions for the music and movie industries. As far as I can tell, the only market reality here is the fertile market that Mr. Hatch's campaigns have become for these industries, which have a history of insular and anticompetitive practices including construction of vertical monopolies and (very recently) price fixing in collusion with large retailers. Granting them exemption from Federal antitrust law would be the height of folly, and should not be included in any copyright reform act.

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2003 Nov 27: Senatorial letters re: EnFORCE Act of 2003

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