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Journal AssFace's Journal: But the monkey paw is cursed

I have a new Mac, and I like it - even love it - YAY!

But the web browser and Java performance are related and unfortunately that performance is very very bad - DOH!

But I downloaded a developer release of a newer JVM and it seems to help the Java/Safari issues - YAY!

But then I found that there is no Komodo for Mac OS X and got an e-mail from them saying that they will in fact not even bother trying to make one - DOH!

But then I found that there is an Eclipse plug-in called EPIC that allows pretty much the same functionality as Komodo - YAY!

But then I found out that Eclipse 2.x is ungodly slow on Mac OS X - DOH!

But then I found out that Eclipse 3.x is much much faster - YAY!

But then I found out that Eclipse 3.x and the new JVM update that I downloaded don't seem to be compatible with each other and I just get a terminated error code of 255 - DOH!!!!!

Oh well.
Going to see Love Actually again tonight - I saw it in NC over my vacation and really enjoyed it.
My vacation was sad seeing my grandmother not doing well both physically and mentally - it is sad to see people going downhill that way.
I was also not terribly thrilled being back in America, land of the fat, the stupid, and the SUV.

I couldn't even be a great consumer like I wanted to be - nobody would sell me a Sony/Ericsson T616 without service - so I guess I will have to hit Ebay for that one.

I got a few DVDs, and picked up my GameBoy Scrabble game that I had bought off of EBay and they missent to my US address instead of here in Bermuda. The game sucked (even on the hardest opponent level it was easy to beat and it was slow). DOH.
Also got Jeopardy for PS2 - that too sucked (too easy and cumbersome to play) - DOH!

I have felt really alone here in Bermuda with no real physical friends and certainly nobody to talk intellectually with.
Then my mom told me that she had a friend that used to work for IBM and was into this and that - he sounded like exactly what I wanted - someone to just chat dork with.
So I'm gonna start that up soon hopefully.

Also decided to ask my college math profs a probability question that I can't quite wrap my head around to see if it is indeed hard, or if I'm just being daft.

Then in closing, I have come up with a scam that is morally wrong, and fairly solidly illegal too. But most of the scams that I have seen get caught and in trouble due to them being greedy and letting it run too long as they try to make lots of money.
I am going to try to run said scam just for a bit and then use the money to pay off my debts and then from there just quit and use my extra cash to invest.
My morals are a curvy spacial domain and in the case of this particular scam/scheme, they fall directly in an area that I never have any qualms abusing - the stupid and the religious.

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But the monkey paw is cursed

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