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Journal CleverNickName's Journal: Epic News in a Nutshell 13

I posted this announcement at my lame website, but I'm so excited about it, I'm gonna repost it here:

I have totally signed a three book deal with a major publisher. O'Reilly and Associates, to be precise.

Okay, I'm totally trying to play it all cool, but . . .





Sorry. I've been getting those massive rushes of excitement with alarming frequency. I hope you all understand.

This is a very exciting relationship for me, for several reasons. First, I am a huge geek, and without O'Reilly, I wouldn't know HTML from LMNOP. I never would have been able to get Linux running, and Perl would be one of the not-quite-as-good-as-Mrs.-Garrett replacements on Diff'rent Strokes.

This means I will be able to get my books into more stores than I ever was with Monolith Press. It means I'll be sent out on a real book signing tour. It means I'll be on national television and radio to promote my work, and maybe even get a review in major newspapers or magazines.

Dancing Barefoot sold 3,000 copies in less than five months, without any of that, and I can't wait to see how it does when it's got the power and budget of a major publisher behind it.

It also means that I will never royally screw up days worth of orders again, and I will be free to work like crazy on Just A Geek because I won't be running the business any more.

I spoke with my editor at O'Reilly this morning (" . . . my editor at O'Reilly!" that sounds so cool!), and he told me that O'Reilly is so excited to carry Dancing Barefoot, they're going to have a printing available in time for the holidays. They are currently working on a plan with Powells to get it out there right away, and I understand that they are in talks with Amazon as well. If you've been kicking yourself in the pants, or punching yourself in the back of the head because you wanted Dancing Barefoot for a holiday gift and missed out, you can stop the madness right now!

It should be in most major book stores very soon and y -- Oh my god! I'm going to walk into Vroman's and see my book on the shelf!!! AHHH!!! That RULES!

RAWK! \m/

Oops. There it goes again. :)

O'Reilly will also publish Just A Geek in Spring of next year, and I'm going to write a currently untitled technical book on personal website design that I think will come out in Summer.

So, you see, when I made my audioblog post back in July, I had just gotten off the phone with Brett from O'Reilly, who had called to tell me that none other than Tim O'Reilly himself had come back from OSCon talking about "the Wil Wheaton phenomenon" and instructed Brett to tell me that he wanted to be my publisher. Since that day, we've been working out the details. They were actually finalized a few weeks ago, but we all decided to wait until today to release this epic news, because I guess December 2 is a good day to release news, and there's a good chance some mainstream media outlets will pick this up.

I want all of you who read WWdN to know that none of this would ever have happened without you. Many of you have been here since the early days of Where's My Burrito?. In this strange, impersonal-but-personal way, you've gone with me through the ups and downs (mostly downs) of my Sisyphean struggles in the acting world. You were excited with me when I was added to Nemesis and cried with me when I was cut. You have been there when I've loved, and when I've lost. I've introduced you to Ryan and Nolan, Ferris, and Anne, who is more than my world . . . she's my entire universe.

You've supported me so much . . . I can't tell you all how wonderful it feels to share my tremendous joy with all of you now. Everyone who has read Dancing Barefoot, or come to see me at a show, or left a comment on this site, Soapboxers, Farkers, Slashdotters . . . I'm sure I'm forgetting people . . . but every single one of you owns a piece of this amazing new chapter in my life.

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Epic News in a Nutshell

Comments Filter:
  • Wil, your O'Reilly deal sounds like it kicks ass! Good job. Now get back to JAG. The mob is starting to get unruly. :)
  • ~snif~

    So will you remember all us little people when you're a big, bestselling, major author?

    I mean, you know how celebrities are.

    Ick. :-)
  • Congratulations! I havn't read either one, but I'll be looking forward to leafing through it at barnes and noble or something (you _will_ be there right?), and maybe picking up a copy for myself.

    again, congrats dood
  • So whats going to happen to Monolith? That was your company, right?

    Oh and I'd hold onto a few copies from Monotlith, do you know what the first edition of Harry Potter is going for now?$$!!111!1
  • Congratulations!
  • Is that basically going to be a guide on how to use movable type? Haven't looked at o'reilly's selection in awhile but that'd be a nice book to grab.

    Congrats will.
  • Congratulations on your book deal.

    That said, your whooping and hollering brings an inescapable, if horrifying memory to mind, and I can't resist the urge to tease...

    {Will goes rushing around on the stage, whooping and jumping up and down, yelling and screaming, sweating profusely.}

    Ten minutes later: {Wil claps hands}Developers, developers, developers, developers...{gasp, pant, squeak} devlopers, developers, developers, developers...{Wil is turning a bit blue} developers.." {BONK!}

  • You're right: Anne is a babe. What's she doing with you?

    Seriously though, what's the third book? Is Dancing Barefoot the first (even though it's already been published)?
  • Will O'Reilly also translate the books in other languages? As much as I like reading English books, I'm afraid that a lot of people whom I'd like to recommend your books to won't be able to do so if it's not available in their native tongue.

    And oh, what's now with that audio book I suggested a long time ago? :-)
  • Didn't know they published non technical books! But good for you :) Remember to do a book about stockings as well, barefeet are soo.. really dude *G*

    Sorry. I've been getting those massive rushes of excitement with alarming frequency. I hope you all understand.

    Yeah, its called menopause :o)
  • Hi Wil,

    Please kill my curiousity and tell me:

    What animal will appear on the front of your O'Reilly book(s)?

FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
