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Journal forkspoon's Journal: Fuck you you catagory dependant fag

You know fuck catagories. Either music sucks or it's cool. There are people out there who buy music based on if it's in a catgory or not. They walk into the record store and say "Is there any new emo?" or "Is there any new house?". I don't even know what emo or house is for fucks sake. I don't even fucking care! Who gives a fuck about a catagory. Some music critic could reluctantly label some album as part of a catagory, but it could still be a piece of shit. And guess what the fact that it was a piece of shit and not that it was part of some catagory would matter. So who gives a fuck? I mean nine inch nails has shit that doesn't stay within some kind of easily definable box. Zep, also has been called many different genres over the years. But guess what you could be some thick glasses wearing scruffy haired old sweater wearing trance listening fag and make some shit, and guess what your stupid fucking "catagory" isn't gonna save you. You can be all like "yeah I made a new album, it's really hitting some chill new shit on the trance scene". Hey guess what fuckface? Does your album suck? Oh I see it does! SO YOUR FUCKING CATAGORY DIDN'T MATTER DID IT YOU TRENDY POSER FACEFUCK WHO WILL END UP AS AN ACCOUNT BUDGET SUPERVISOR AT SOME NO FACE ACCOUNTING FIRM IN THE BEAUTIFUL MIDDLE AMERICA SUBURBS OF PLAIN COUNTRY! HAHAHAHAHAH FUCK YOURSELF YOU FUCKBRAINED POSER SHITBAG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

All the simple programs have been written.
