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Journal Hadlock's Journal: perfume

i think i finally figured out why i'm constanly coughing when i'm @ program six... it's "summer" now, or one might suspect that from what the girls are wearing on the "not freezing" days and the amount of perfume they wear. that might not be a horribly big problem in a school like PSHS, which is designed to move ALOT of air all the time, but at program six, which is designed for about 60 people, tops, and add another 30, then air problems arise. 15 extra girls wearing perfume can make a HUGE difference in the air quality, and the amount of coughing i do in a day. colonge doesn't help much, either. don't get me wrong, you don't see me coughing when i wear colongne, but you'd cough too if you spilt the bottle on yourself.

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