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Conservative Heads Explode

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  • Too funny, thanks for that I need a good laugh this morning.
    • It appears that some people find reality to be so utterly debilitating that when it is presented to them, even by someone who was attempting a serious conversation, they find themselves unable to consider any option aside from insulting that other person.

      And then, of course, hilarity ensues. Just not for the intended purpose.
    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Agreed, it was an amusing thread.

      • (a) Both URLs go to the same place
        (b) damn_registrars is oblivious to the blend of sorrow & laughter with which I view his rejoinders.
        I could try to explain to him that he's just never excited me to anger, but he apparently has a better grasp of my motives than I do [] [last sentence].
        Here's the rub: as Christ has forgiven me, I've forgiven damn_registrars, in advance, for all of his silliness, and he just can't stop me.
        • (a) Both URLs go to the same place

          I think that is an artifact of the brilliant slashcode. The latter link should go to a reply but of course the code here seldom works as it is supposed to.

          I could try to explain to him that he's just never excited me to anger, but he apparently has a better grasp of my motives than I do [last sentence].

          It was obvious that you were seeking to apply a partisan brand of justice. That said, on the context of anger, I did not accuse you of being angry - just of being hyperpartisan.

          • You could be either oblivious to my point "he apparently has a better grasp of my motives than I do", or maybe just don't feel like engaging, "it was obvious".

After a number of decimal places, nobody gives a damn.
