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Journal DrWhizBang's Journal: I need two of me...

I hope when I get to be an old man, that I don't look back and feel that I've missed out. I frequently have way too many things to do, so when a free moment comes up I end up watching TV, or browsing the web because I am too tired to do something enriching.

I always feel I should be reading a book, practicing my guitar, writing music and poetry, or praying. I don't spend enough time with my kids, I don't cook new foods, I don't write new programs in new programming languages...

I'm lazy.

No matter how hard I try, I can't motivate myself to do things that will be of long-term value to myself. Working, running around town on errands, cleaning house - these things seem to exhaust me.

How do other people do it? I know other people that seem to succeed at some things. Where do they get the energy? How do they conserve their time? These are questions I need answers for.

It frustrates Gina to no end that she ends up managing our household and assigning me tasks because I can't manage things myself. I need a silver bullet.

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I need two of me...

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
