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Journal bigjnsa500's Journal: Democrats new buzz word, "Internationalize"

What are the Democrats really seeking with their "time to internationalize" statements? First of all, they know that rank-and-file Americans aren't really aware of the level at which countries like Spain, Argentina, Italy and, of course, Britain are already participating. They pander to this ignorance with their "internationalize now" comments. Secondly, the Democrats want an increased role for the disgraced United Nations. The UN failed to enforce 12 years of sanctions against Hussein. The UN sat and did virtually nothing while Hussein murdered and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his own people. The UN cut and ran as soon as Saddam's insurgents fired a few rocket propelled grenades in their direction. Now the Democrats want the UN to step in and take over Iraq's reconstruction. These are American politicians who have been working for years to surrender American sovereignty -- a bit here, a bit there -- to the United Nations and to various international tribunals such as the UN World Court and the new and very frightening international criminal court.
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Democrats new buzz word, "Internationalize"

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