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Journal May Kasahara's Journal: BSP Temporary Closure

My site is temporarily closed. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, though I shouldn't have to, since it's not even my fault! My hosting company is having serious server problems... even now -_-

I've already figured out a workaround, but it may be a week or two before I can get the site back up. Stay tuned...

UPDATE (Jan 1): The site's pages are back online, but the front page's counter seems to have been reset, my CGI-bin is AWOL, and there's some serious login issues for various other aspects of the site. In other words, it's not fixed yet, but at least y'all can read fanfics again :P

UPDATE (Jan 8): I have Plesk access again! I have FTP access again! But strangely enough, all of my email accounts have been wiped out *_* Plesk is also telling me that there are no web_users, despite the fact that all three of the subdomain sites are active, AND the files are accessible via FTP. Oh, and the permissions on some files seem to have been reset -_-

Right now I'm backing up the blog and ClawCo subdomain-- the only two parts of the site I don't have up-to-date, concrete backups of.

UPDATE (Jan 9): Email's working... and all the archived emails are still there. w00t :)

If all goes well, I'll be moving the site on Sunday.

UPDATE (Jan 11): I backed up a helluva lot of email yesterday and opened a new account with a different (and larger) hosting company this morning. The new nameservers have been indicated in my domain's preferences, and should take effect by tomorrow afternoon. So in short, the site is down again; but at least this time, I have some measure of control over it.

Oh, and in between backups and whatnot, I've been playing Dark Cloud 2. Very good game... I recommend it.

UPDATE (Jan 12): We're back online, baby! Once Claw's subdomain goes up and I have Horde (webmail via IMP being one of the few features from my old host that I really miss), Greymatter, and whatever assorted other scripts set up, I'll be good to go. Hopefully. Keep those digits crossed..

UPDATE (Jan 15): This should be the last update. Two Greymatter folders, one Active Guestbook, and one Horde/IMP installation (thanks again for the help, Cy-Dogg!) later, the site is almost entirely restored, with some new features to boot! The last thing I have to take care of is the matter of a counter, which I'm going to do through a third-party service this time, so I don't lose my numbers again (which were in the five-digit range when the site went down). Now to email my readers and (loose definition of a) staff sometime in the next few days, and let them know that the Blue Shinra Project is BACK!!!

UPDATE (Jan 15): Nope, guess that wasn't the last one. Everything's up and running smoothly, save for the counter (not set up yet) and the webmail (currently exploring options other than Horde/IMP)...

UPDATE (Jan 17): Site's been updated, blog entry's been written, peeps have been emailed, and by some kind of 1337-ish divine intervention, the backups for my hit counter and guestbook have been found, and promptly transferred over to their proper places. For the counter, I ended up with LiveCounter Classic again, as I couldn't find anything better within the limited amount of time I have (ahh well, not a bad counter to have ^_^). And the webmail (Uebimiau this time) is still a little buggy.

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BSP Temporary Closure

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