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Journal DDX_2002's Journal: New Year's Resolutions

Having just finished nearly two weeks of vacation (my first since before articles), I am refreshed. I am also dreading the return to work, with a big trial starting Monday.

Resolution One: Get my ass organized. Budget. Plan. Stick to it. This includes finances, exercise, diet, time management, and (most importantly) practice management. If I can get my practice in order, then the rest will fall into place. If I can't, 2004 will be much like 2003. And NOBODY wants that.

Slashdot Resolution One: Post more, but continue to obscure anything which might enable anyone to identify me or (more importantly) my firm and clients when I tell stories. Which means I will continue not to tell stories. Sucks to be my humble reading public, I guess.

I get really nervous talking about my day with non-lawyers. Sorry. Funny thing. Get lawyers around a table and we can't resist telling war stories. Put non-lawyers at the table, we often don't tell the good stuff - other lawyers know where the line is (confidentiality wise) and if someone innocently strays over it in a beer induced moment of indiscretion, we know not to repeat it. It's worse because some of my friends are/were journalists.

What ever you want is going to cost a little more than it is worth. -- The Second Law Of Thermodynamics
