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Journal Jellybob's Journal: The update 2

Yes, it was a little longer than it should have been maybe :P

Anyways... things that have happened over the last how ever long.

About a month ago now, I was laid off from my job, because we lost just over £400,000 of funding due to the new government system, which meant losing our online centre, and about a third of our staff, including me.

Which has led to a very much up and down period for me - a lot of my purpose in life comes from doing a job I feel worthwhile doing, which isn't happening at the moment, so my sleep cycle is screwed beyond regognition, and I'm not really doing much. Thankfully though, there's been a fair bit of up in the mix this time round (last time I was unemployed was... unpleasant).

A couple of days after losing my job, I was told about an ad for someone to do the supporting people side of the job I was doing, instead of the supporting the computers people use side I had been doing and moving away from, which I applied for, and have an interview for on Friday.

I have to say, I think it was probably a good thing to move on - I'd just about decided that while I love it as a hobby, I can't really maintain computers as a job - I just lost my passion for it in either place (which thankfully is back now :D). What I do love as a job is making a difference to people, which I hope I'll be able to do in the job I'm interviewing for, since it sounds similar to what I was doing before.

I'm also going to go stay with my best friend in Manchester for a few days next week, getting to sample the student life, and more importantly spend time with the person I feel most comfortable talking to about me, instead of the bullshit I talk about with most people - last night, at about 5am, I was lying awake, feeling lonely, so I sent her a text message (SMS to the USians?) asking for a hug, expecting to get a reply in the morning, and really just needing to feel like somebody cared. A few seconds later, she rang me, and we talked about nothing much for the next hour or so :)

As you may have guessed, I'm looking forward to spending time with her, since despite the fact it's been less than a month since I last saw her, it still sucks :P

Church stuff is going nicely, I'm sorting out the visuals for an event we're running in the main church building in April (we usually run the main youth event in the dingy little hall, this time round we're in the main building, and taking over the usual evening service) - so I'm gonna have a couple of 8x12 screens to play with on either side, and a third standard size screen if it's needed. I also love the building... it's an old style church, complete with bell tower, and is just a really comfortable atmosphere.

I am kinda apprehensive about the home group I help lead though, since we've got someone joining tomorrow, and I'm not too good with new people :S

And I think that is where I end my ramblings for today.


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The update

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  • Ack... I was laid off two years back, not fun. We (my wife and I) had just finally gotten to the point of reasonable financial stability and then the lay-offs hit. It wasn't a terribley big surprise as we had 1 week rotating lay-offs earlier that quarter, but we still didn't think we were in any shape to handle it. At that point she was only working an hourly job at a bookstore (10 hours a week), then a computer shop (30 hours a week) after I was laid off. Well, after about 2 months of looking I finall
  • uhhh, why didn't I get an email with details, man? ;-)

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
