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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Hadn't done any serious wrenching in a while. 17

So I installed VirtualBox on my laptop with 8GB of RAM.
Then I brought in Stackato.
This would totally not have worked, if I didn't already have a lot of experience with all this, because the installation steps conveniently didn't mention how you get all of the SSL certificates done in any sort of useful step-order.
The clipboard doesn't seem to work, either, for all VB says it's bi-di. No worries. Emacs in TRAMP mode lets you log in and overcome the limitations of this puny terminal.
There was a one-click install for WordPress, my main driver for doing this project in the first place.
Now. . .Where. Under. The. Sun. Are. The. Configuration. Files. . .?
Well, it looks as though there is some 'Docker' gadget that virtualizes the app on the virtualized Ubuntu box.
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Hadn't done any serious wrenching in a while.

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  • They are, of course, in Benghazi. Obama brought them along when he traveled there in his time machine to personally execute your heroes under the cover of darkness. He handed the config files to the psuedo-al-qaeda combatants on his way out before getting back into his time machine to return to Washington.

    You know that conference room picture you keep bringing up? Obama and Hillary are just watching the guy he gave your config files to run away. Obama bet he could make it to Egypt, Hillary bet on Somalia.

    Now you'll NEVER find them! Bwahahahahahahaha!
    • Funny thing is, I wrote a story involving the House of Obama and time machines a few years ago [], when I thought the Tea Party was going to have some more immediate results. SPOILER: the time machine's a scam. I thought I was being cynical, the way all the characters sell out at the end, but it turned out I was still too naïve.
      • But isn't your favorite conspiracy against the POTUS dependent on him having access to time travel? You certainly haven't provided a way for it to be credible without. Of course, if he has access to time travel, then he likely already sabotaged the impeachment trial and had the future ring leaders of the violent overthrow attempt thrown into indefinite detention in durqadurqastan, so all your dreams have already been squashed.

        In other words, you might as well give up now, because you can't win.

        Not t
        • I gather that it is an article of faith with you that I harbor confidence not in A conspiracy, but some plural collection of conspiracies.
          If you'd care to rent a post box, I should like to send you a postcard with a photo of the Earth on it, so that I could write on the back: "Wish you were here." (Stephen Wright)
          • I gather that it is an article of faith with you that I harbor confidence not in A conspiracy, but some plural collection of conspiracies.

            What causes you to associate me with faith? You have demonstrated that you are a believer in a number of conspiracy theories that you see as being capable of bringing about the premature end of the current administration that you so dearly crave. I don't need to take them on faith when you spell them out directly and explicitly in your comments.

            • You can call facts "conspiracy theories" just like you could call an unlikely arrangement with a goat "marriage". And I'm sure some state will soon support such silliness in the name of "fairness".

              • You can call facts "conspiracy theories"

                If you had facts, I wouldn't call them conspiracy theories. That is why Benghazi is your top conspiracy theory, because you have no facts on it that come anywhere near being adequate in magnitude to even warrant starting a discussion about holding a meeting about discussing the matter of considering voting on hiring someone to present to a grand jury for possible indictment towards an impeachment hearing. However in spite of this you insist that there are enough facts to support immediate removal of the

                • Well, I think you just won the internet, there.

                  Happy to share. Also, standing by for peace with you. I seem to recall a day when you didn't come off like some caustic, deranged old adjunct who'd been denied tenure. Relax. This year is just going to hurt. Pray for minimal tragedies.

                  • I seem to recall a day when you didn't come off like some caustic, deranged old adjunct who'd been denied tenure.

                    Strange allegation from the person who has taken up the position of the constitution being just a minor inconvenience that one can justify discarding in whole or in part when the goal is the abortion of the current presidential administration.

                    This year is just going to hurt. Pray for minimal tragedies.

                    Just remember that if you get what you wish for, it could swing back around the other way soon enough. When you choose to ditch the rule of law to throw one guy out, you are not setting up any kind of precedent for obeying it in the treatment of the guy you put in h

                    • When you choose to ditch the rule of law to throw one guy out, you are not setting up any kind of precedent for obeying it in the treatment of the guy you put in his place.

                      Shoe no fit-fit.

                    • When you choose to ditch the rule of law to throw one guy out, you are not setting up any kind of precedent for obeying it in the treatment of the guy you put in his place.

                      Shoe no fit-fit.

                      One could reach that conclusion only by not reading the comments you have written.

                    • Or by reading them as a whole, reasonably; not interacting them and just adding whatever evil, paranoid, hormone-drenched, violent material one deems fit.
  • Maybe? Possibly?

    • Oh, no, it was something under /var with a nasty MD5 hash directory name in the path ??!??!!?
      Gonna need a full pot o' joe to go after that easter egg.
  • How'd you get TRAMP working?

    I fooled with it a few years ago thinking it would be an easy way to deal with editing scripts on a few Mac Minis from cygwin EMACS using scp for transport.

    I never got it to do anything despite spending far more time on trying to set it up than it was worth and I ended up finding forum messages that suggested others had similar experiences. Is there some trick I missed?

    • 1. Take the latest stable Emacs & TRAMP releases.
      2. Copy all the TRAMP .el files over the release TRAMP code to eradicate that annoying bug.
      3. Also install PuTTY, as this is Win7, and you need plink.exe to maintain the SSH connection.
      4. Party.
      More at => []
      • Much obliged. I think I had seen that wiki before but didn't manage to filter through it to work out what I needed to do.

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