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Journal RailGunner's Journal: Too good to leave buried in a comment thread. 1

Logic, reason, clarity of rational thought -- all these are things that utterly escape damn_registrars.

Pudge, you'd have a better chance if you went to Niagara Falls and started yelling at the water to stop falling then you will ever have in getting through to this putz. It's utterly hopeless, and damn_registrars is too close-minded and quite frankly incapable of understanding any thought outside of his limited, spoon-fed liberal world view. He's like an even more dishonest, annoying version of Rachel Maddow with even fewer "facts". Probably less manly, than Ms. Maddow, too.

I won't claim to know how old he/she/whatever is, but there is ample evidence in the account's posting history to suggest that damn_registrars is essentially an emotionally and mentally stunted individual trapped in a never ending adolescence.

As such, any attempts at an intelligent, rational discussion with this fool are in vain.

As to the ludicrous charges of "fake conservatism"... he called me that because he can't believe that anyone would think the way I do. Apparently he has yet to discover Senator Ted Cruz. Should be entertaining when he does...
This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Too good to leave buried in a comment thread.

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