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Journal Anonymous Custard's Journal: In case you do, don't trust FOX News to be "Fair & Balanced" 1,2933,111842,00.html

In case you do, don't trust FOX News to be "Fair & Balanced", or even "News".

I just watched a "fair and balanced report by Fox News' Brian Wilson." on how Kerry and Edwards actually are rich, though they talk about being in tune with the common american. Before the report, it showed a preview for an evening news report on how some people think GW Bush ranks up there with Washington, Roosevelt and Lincoln. Then the Wilson report went on to bash Kerry and Edwards for having money, without a single mention of how GW Bush's ranch costs more than Kerry and Edwards' homes combined! Fair and Balanced my ass.

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In case you do, don't trust FOX News to be "Fair & Balanced"

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  • I don't think Bush has ever said he was poor. Nor if I recall correctly has he mentioned "impoverished" or "poor" people.

    Kerry and Edwards have. That's what the report is about.

    If you want to compare Bush's speeches to how well off he is then go ahead but Kerry and Edwards seem to be trying to play the "commoners" a little too much and Fox is calling bullshit.

    Bush is filthy rich. We all know this.

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