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Journal RailGunner's Journal: Oops. 3

In a previous journal entry, I used the term "in-vitro" where I meant "in utero". I went back and fixed it.

Apparently, the bus ride to Austin and subsequent March For Life made me more tired then I realized. Still -- if it changes just one mind and saves just one life, it's all worth it.

Had he survived his birth, he'd have been 3 months old today. As a result, I'm completely numb and probably won't be posting much over the next week or two. Just in case anyone thought it was going to be another 3 year sabbatical for me.
This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
