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Journal Peterus7's Journal: So I got a lot of replies to my journal entry.

So... I'm going to just do a general reply, because I'm short on time.

To the ones that talked about medicine: I'm thinking about that. Not nursing, necessarly (my mom was a nurse, she won't let me be one because of the crap she dealt with... Until she got her masters and Neurology certification, and now she programs cyborgs...) But I am interested in maybe a technical job setting systems up that deals a lot with medicine.

As for the stuff coding bits, thanks a lot. I'll take those into account. I have actually been visiting my TA a lot and spending time with him trying to get these things down, and he's been really helpful. (He actually ran into my article. He was going to post something, but he didn't. Funny if he did... "Well, remember that stuff I said in office hours, just try some of the array problems on homework 4.")

As for the rest of the advice, I looked it all over and I thank you for it. It was very helpful, and supportive.

Now for an interesting little tidbit: I've found that when working with graphics (i/e making graphics, designing programs using doodles, etc.) I tend to code a lot more effectively. Could it be some sort of spatial intellect (shapes, lines, 2d arrays) vs. math intellect (arrays and iterators, etc.)? Who knows. The next project is going to be little map with bugs that eat grass. Sounds... Okay, I guess. Assuming I get a good partner and learn the intracies of java before that point, I'm hoping to turn it into a dungeon, and have adventurers slaying orcs. Or something.

My TA, Charlie (I'm still not sure if I shoul call him by Mr. R--- or Charlie, so I'll just call him Charlie. It suits him better.) said he was working on a basic dungeon program for me to bang around with at some point, so maybe I'll have a chance to do something cool.

http://www.apple.co.jp/quicktime/trailers/appleseed_large.html = w00t indeed.

Well, on that note, I have to wrap this blog entry up. And on that note, maybe I should start writing in this more often. It's a lot more... Interesting than my normal blog(s).

Peace out and keep up the comments, if you so see fit.

Oh, and just because I believe that one of the essential parts of making a better internet is the initiation of a visual image behind the lines of text, here is me.


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So I got a lot of replies to my journal entry.

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