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Journal mahdi13's Journal: Main stories with personal comments/questions = BAD 1

I've been noticing more and more that a lot of the posts stories lately have either stunk of personal bias or the preview ends with a personal question from the submitter. Do we really need this?

I read Slashdot for the articles, the news stories and the peeks at future technology. NOT for some punk trying to be witty to hundreds of thousands of geeks. I read the feedback for that.

It's getting to the point where almost every story is submitted with one of these wise-crack comments, making the submitter look like a whack job and the editors look like they don't give a rip. (Most will agree that the editors ARE the whack jobs AND don't give a rip)

How do we tell hundreds of thousands of geeks to stop being idiots? Hell, they still make 'jokes' of 'All your base are belong to us', 'Imagine a Beowulf cluster of...', 'In Soviet Russia...' and several other LAME wanna-be-jokes.
I fear that the personal comments and silly bias questions will continue and won't take much longer for Slashdot to become TOTALLY useless at this rate, but we can hope that people will wise up and start posting intelligently (or more to the point, submitting articles intelligently)

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Main stories with personal comments/questions = BAD

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  • I guess it is because the submitters want to be like the editors.

    Think a bit, now. If your nightly news reporter just stated what happened, it would be like reading to people.

    But, if they say, "Well, Josh, that was really a item!" and add some witty comment, then we're interested more.

    And people who don't know how to do it are trying to imitate it. And not only the posters, but slashdot editors, too. Remember the famous CmdrTaco quote? "No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame."

    I just

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