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Journal raider_red's Journal: Ergonomics redux: Little things count for a lot

I've been having a problem the last month or so with joint pain in my left shoulder, and to a lesser extent in my right. It's been especially bad in the last week and was getting to the point where I had to take ibuprofin every night just to get to sleep.

Yesterday, I took a hard look at my office setup, and made a small adjustment to my keyboard trays. I dropped them each about half an inch and adjusted the tilt so they slope a little bit downward from me. I also pulled the drivers seat in my car up one notch so I didn't have quite as far to reach for the steering wheel. Net result, no more sore shoulders. It's amazing sometimes how very small adjustments can have a profound effect on your work environment.

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Ergonomics redux: Little things count for a lot

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Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
