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Journal Himring's Journal: Supernatural

Other-natural, supernatural: these are simply words to describe what is not yet known, understood or comprehended.

Personal beliefs should have no part in finding truth -- objective truth. If there's anything one learns as life goes on and the speed bumps and pot holes have riddled ya to death, it's to not be zealous over anything. The liberal ends up a conservative, the conservative a liberal, the atheist a theist, etc.

We adhere to much/most of what the founders of Western civilization believed. If Plato is our model we have little problem with his sense of government, society -- if Aristotle then his sense of potential and physics. Yet, both believed in a force behind it all -- the demiurge, the "people worker" -- something driving everything. The one difference between the Greeks and us is that there is an aversion among serious thinkers -- academic-types -- and those who may make the same claims as the Greek founders of western thought regarding the demiurge. Why is this?

Lawyers teach us everything (tongue and cheek there), but I once argued with a lawyer who wanted his client to have something out of the agreement and who claimed that the something he wanted "didn't matter anyhow" -- I argued with him, "well, if it doesn't matter then let me have it." And he says, "no" and I said, "but you said it didn't matter" (no one ended up with it btw).

Since we can't know there is a God, then he must not be. Is this not the 6-pack thought on the matter? If we don't know then he could also -- be. Not mattering is the same as not knowing. It proves nothing and gets no one nothing. It doesn't get the atheist a single thing, nor the theist and both should be ashamed to have claimed any victory -- especially personal....
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