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Pravda on the Potomac

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  • That is, the 200th unique conspiracy that you have posted here in the hopes of impeaching President Lawnchair. I'm pretty sure you blew right past 100 a while back.
  • But republicans don't do that, do they? This is the game you choose to play went you vote for big money politicians.

    • "Swiftboating" is a fine verb, but I never saw any evidence that convinced me the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were off course. Kerry has failed upward beautifully. At least his home state was successful in shaming the loser into mooring his yacht in Massachusetts. A rare win for the peasantry.
      • I never saw any evidence that convinced me the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were off course.

        Well then, I guess all that trash talk about McCain while he was a POW was not off course either.

        • Given his record subsequent to the Keating 5 scandal, I really don't have much at all to say in support of McCain.
          • Did you vote for him in '08? If you did, don't make me go all pudge on you... supporting him through action says a lot more than whatever words you come up with.

            • I did, though I think it specious of you to bring that up out of the context of the rest of the ballot.
              But please: wax punky.
              • What, no write in? Are you really trying to say he was the best of the bunch?! Or do you still play the "lesser of two evils" game? Which happens to be pure speculation anyway, since he serves the same money as Obama.

                • Right, but I figured we could have Palin fleet up to POTUS in 2012.
                  • I hope you are kidding. I didn't know you hated your country that much.

                    • Really?
                    • Yes, I had no idea you want to cause that much destruction. If that really is the case, the word "daft" coming from you loses all meaning. When I see her face, the first word that comes to mind is, cocaine.

                    • I did video her from about the 10th row at CPAC, but I think her scrawniness comes more from running a lot than any nose candy.
                      Now, you've argued that we should just randomly choose political leaders, to minimize corruption. For the sake of argument, say that Sarah Palin is a representative sample. How can you suggest random selection on the one hand, and then reject Sarah on the other? My thought is that you're just trolling (sort of a right-of-center damn_registrars) but maybe there is some other reason.
                    • Because she won't have time to cause that much damage. And besides, a randomly picked congress will most likely mitigate such problems. That's a chance we have to take. Everything has some risk. But we do know what she would bring under the present system. That is as predictable as the sunrise. That's one reason people would want to keep it. But politics has proven that predictability is rarely a good thing. It is only for those at the top. And knowing her, she would probably quit for a better deal somewher

                    • And besides, a randomly picked congress will most likely mitigate such problems. That's a chance we have to take.

                      I don't agree with your "most likely".

                      But politics has proven that predictability is rarely a good thing.

                      What are you saying: politics is all about trying to make the future predictable. This is why, in proper times, we do budgeting. Statements like this are why I'm never sure you're arguing with any seriousness.

                    • Serious as a heart attack. You derive great benefit from the present system. Your resistance to change is notable, and predictable...

                    • Oh yes, of course it is. I'm at the car dealership now, and the ASPCA drivel has been in a loop for a couple of hours. You're on about the same wavelength, albeit at lower sampling frequency.
                    • Buy a Ford... to make d_r happy. You can't go wrong with a Crown Vic...

                    • You can't go wrong with a Crown Vic...

                      You'll only get a Crown Vic from a used car lot, it's been discontinued for a while now. (I think I even have a JE on that happening somewhere, if you care to find the date).

                      That said, I expect Smitty is at a Toyota dealership looking at Tundras. Then he'll stop and get a gun rack and some "don't tread on me" bumper stickers for it on his way home. He'll likely follow that up at home by ripping out the radio to sell on craigslist for $2 to "send a message to the commies at NPR".

                    • d_r is incapable of happiness. Thought you knew that. Also, this is a VW dealership. But Ford doesn't seem to offer a diesel below the F-350 level.

Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
