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Journal TyrranzzX's Journal: Stealing $5 gas is a crime on the scale of rape? 2

I was gassing up yesterday at my favorite masonic gas station (as if any of the others aren't), 7 11, and saw an anti-crime propaganda sticker on the gas pump;

"Pump and Run is a class 4 felony"

So, I steal $5 of gas, and I'm a felon. I can be thrown in jail for a year, and fined $10,000. I also have a felony conviction on my record.

For stealing gas...

I can be labeled by the state the same as rapists, murderers and pedophiles, the kinds of people I hate with a vengeance and really wouldn't mind hunting down and killing on site (or helping, as some of them are fucked up but want out) , for stealing gas. I can't get a decent job, since nobody wants to hire a felon.

The sticker was old too, maybe 2 or 3 years old. I could spend the time researching the law in Illinois, but I'm not going to. There are already too many laws, many of which are insane and I suppose thanks to the lobbying of entities such as the Corrections Corporation of America. After all, corporations are profit driven, and what better way to drive up profits than to take a crime as serious as stealing a box of twinkies and put it on the scale of stalking and attempting to screw little children? None other I think.

For whatever American is reading this, take heed. We're right back to where we started 300 years ago, 'cept we're knee deep in shit and the spout spewing it is right on top of us, and there's nowhere to run, no Indians kill and take their land.
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Stealing $5 gas is a crime on the scale of rape?

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  • by jmorse ( 90107 )
    It's a sad state of affairs when the state feels it has to get extremely regressive and reactionary to keep a corporation's bottom line intact. Sending a person to jail for stealing a twinkie while the corporate exec who embezzles millions goes free (or, at worst, to Club Fed) is the epitome of injustice.

    BTW - I noticed the Green Party platform link in your sig. Are you a green or was that there facetiously? I couldn't tell from the sig.

    • The greens have the right direction inwhich we're supposed to be moving. This is why I put it in my sig. People bicker about tax this, nasa that, war here and there. The greens want a real solution to these problems. It's a well known, prooven fact that our social security is shot, all 2 trillion of the supposed savings is non-marketable play money. The greens would admit this and deal with it I believe, as well as coming up with a decent plan for actually solving problems since their organization woul

"Floggings will continue until morale improves." -- anonymous flyer being distributed at Exxon USA
