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Journal baptiste's Journal: Man - talk about pain....

Well, my life's death spiral continues. Still waiting to hear about my dream job - interviewed a couple weeks ago and they interviewed I think 2 others. Now they have to 'meet' and decide on the top pick who will then meet the big boss before an offer is made. I expect since I haven't heard from them, I'm not the top choice and they are waiting to tell me 'Sorry' until the top choice meets the boss and accepts the offer. Keeps their options open. Oh well. Back to

But I digress. To make things worse, I noticed a blister on my face early last week. Looked like something you'd get after being badly sunburned. Well then they started to spread - neck, shoulder, forehead. Went to doctor - and its shingles. Nasty! But it wasn't really that big a deal. I looked like an alien with these welst all over, but they didn't itch much and didn't hurt (yet) Till I got home - that night the pain kicked in. I'd heard shingles was REALLY painful. I always figured "yeah but it can't be THAT bad" Well, let me tell you - its awful. I've broken bones, sprained ankles so bad I was on crutches for months - cut tendons in my hand, you name it. Nothing compared to this. Its a 'deep' pain along your nerves - feels like someone is pulling your nerves out of your body. I didn't sleep a wink Friday night - the pain was worse when lying down. Had to watch TV all night to try and concentrate on something other than the pain. Needless to say I went back to the doc's Saturdya morning begging for mercy. Nothing like a little narcotic action! I've been popping pills (anti-viral, anti-bitotic, and painkillers) like mad. I feel much better now! Amen for controlled substances!

Its only supposed to happen to older folks, I'm 31 - turns out 1/3 of all shingles cases hit folks under 50 years old. Man I know it may not compare to being shot or cancer, etc. But needless to say - my whole concept of pain changed quickly! All I knwo is if I ever see a blister like that pop up again, I'll be in teh doctors office getting Percocet (sp??) pills in a heartbeat!

Good news is the drugs are doing their thing and this shit's almost gone. But damn! What the hell else is gonna go wrong? :) I tempt Murphy cause he's an asshole :)

Oh well, back to my PHP coding.

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Man - talk about pain....

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