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Journal bolix's Journal: The more things change....

No journal entries in the last 20 months. Has anything changed?

Absolutely. I am not the same person who wrote the previous posts.

I got married. 'Nuff said.

Still in the "new" job at the Uni. (tho' BS factor is decidedly lessened). The economy (here in Ma, US) is possible worse. Former employer announces layoffs on June 15th. HA! I have never regretted quitting!

Bush Jnr on his next bid to win an election - first time was a bit of a disaster! Just say NO (to chads and Diebold). The man and the torturous neocon agenda he stands for is just bad for the country.

I'm taking classes (and credits!). Java is fun but i have to say i'm enjoying the exposure rather than committing to a new career. Next up Communication Protocols and Internet Architectures. I'm hoping it will be enlivened by the resent TCP reset vulnerability.

I bumped into some old BI buddies - one guy i introduced to Linux is now the *nix guru at a major Boston hospital! Speaking of Linux, i'm investigating a FireFoxKiosk for an Employee Benefits station - lots of fun!

Maybe another (marriage related) update soon.

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
